Time Management tips for students

Time Management tips for students

time management

Time is perhaps the most important asset in our life. However rich you maybe but can never buy time. Time once gone, never comes back and yet we waste so much time on a daily basis. We waste so much of our time in thinking why are we wasting our time. And what I wanted to do through this post is to share with you three3 tips which I have used personally in my life to take charge of my time and because of that I spend my life in such a methodical way which keeps my control on my time and along with it I am able to accomplish whatever I want. tips on time.

1.Time is an allocation

Time is an allocation

Friends, in a day we do a lot of unimportant things, they are only urgent, it seems like it needs to be done at that time. Boss called-its urgent, parents called-it's urgent, only. Stop whatever you were doing and attend to this first and because of this the more important things are not finished. So, now in you day, wherever you spend your time, if you will start allocating it, categorising it, then you will get to know how much time you spend on what all. I will share a very simple framework with you to understand this. Take a square shape and divide it in 4 equal parts. on the bottom line put question that, 'Is the work that I am doing important or not? Important means necessary. Doing this work is necessary for me, yes or no?' and then on the vertical side put question that, 'Is this work urgent or not, yes or no?'. Now let's look at the section where this work is neither important nor urgent. Things like, watching Netflix, it's neither important nor urgent. Sleeping more  than needed, it's neither important nor urgent. Second section, it's urgent but not important. There are many things in it like, parents call, you will have to answer, it's urgent but maybe not important. Boss called offer some unnecessary work, it was no important but urgent for him, not even for me be out I still had to do it. May be something broke in the house, tap is not working, fan is not working, bulb broke, it's urgent but not important so you will have to do it, then you will record your time there. Now, in third section, something that is important but not urgent. Many things which we actually need to do come in this section like, exercising-it's important but not urgent, sleeping properly, on time and  as per the requirement, reading and reading good stuff, articles, reading books, spending time with the right people, they are all important but not urgent. And then the fourth section, it's important as well as urgent. This could be your work that you do, it could your studies which is obviously important but since exams are approaching so it's urgent as well, it could be an assignment-important as will as urgent, anything that is actually important and urgent. Put it in one of these four sections for a week very carefully, you will then for the first time realize that where are you spending your time and then you have to move things. You will have to move things around so that you time on the right things. So, for instance, how do I do it? In my whole week it is very clear that I spend 50% of my time to the things which are important but not urgent because they are important to me and I do not want to create a sense of urgency. Exercising, reading, writing, waking up properply, meditating, all those things are important, not urgent and I have ensured that 50% of my time needs to go there. Then I will say, 25% of my time goes to the things that are urgent as well as important. Then about 10%of my time goes to the things which are neither important nor urgent. I don't want to make it zero and that is not even possible. I do watch some TV, Some social media, so the things that are neither important nor urgent take 10%. And 15% are for things that are urgent but not important, things that I will have to do it. This is the first tip to taking charge of your time, understanding where your time is going and then allocating it in the right mix. Now the question arises, what is the right mix? For me, important but not urgent is 50% but should it 60,70 or 40 for  you? How to answer this question? The answer to this question takes me to tip 2nd point.

2.  Time is energy

Time is energy

My mix of 50%,15%,10% was not my decision, it was an outcome, it was a derivation because I was asking myself a different question. I was asking myself, how can I maximise my energy? Because one thing that I have learnt in life is that whenever we say that, 'I don't have the time to do this' , we actually mean that, 'I don't have the energy to do it, I do not want to do it, I do not have the physical I do not have the stamina to do it'. So, if in anyway I can maximise my stamina, my energy, then I know I will have control over my time, So after a lot of time I determined that this mix of mine maximises my energy. If I put less than 50% of my time in important but not urgent things, then my energy gets deteriorated. If I spend a lot of time in not important and not urgent things, then my energy gets deteriorated. So, my aim is to maximise my energy and I am able to maximise my energy, I am able to maximise what I get out of my time. So, second realisation, second step, second tip in taking charge  of your time energy. Friends, it will take time to do this. If you have done step 1 for a week and determined where you are spending your time, now you will gradually change it, you will keep asking yourself that, 'How were my energy levels after this charge? Did I feel good at the start of the day? Was  I tried by the end of the day?, Whatever the case maybe. And then you will keep experimenting like, 'This week I will 50% time on this, this week I will spend 40% time on I' , and you will have to actually track in a way so that you get disciplined in it. That is when you will know, after trial and error which takes about 2-3 months, that this mix of my time is the best maximum energy I can produce. And third tip, time is money, your time is like money.

3. Time is Money

Your time is like money. Suppose or I will ask you a question, write in the comment section without thinking, what is the rate of your one hour work? What is the value of your one hour work? if you are a salaried person, then it is obvious, it is basically you monthly salay divided by the number of hours you work. If you are a freelancer, then it is a determination that what do you think is the value of you hour. stop reading and writer this in the comment section. Done? ok, now let's how powerful this is . Suppose you earn 25,000 rupees per month as your salary. If your work for 25 days in a month, 8 hours a day, then the rate of your one hour is 125 rupees, meaning each hour that you work, you earn 125 rupees. Now how does this change things? If I ask you that you watch Netflix for 2 hours every day so how much do you pay for netflix for a month? Obviously, many of you will say 299,300 or499, which are the rates basically. If I tell you that, no, you pay netflix 8,000 rupees every month, then you will be shocked , right? But this is the fact. If you watch netflix for 2 hours everyday for 30 days, meaning 60 hours, then according to your 125 rupees per hour, you will spend 7,500 rupees on netflix plus 500 rupees subscription which totals to 8,000 rupees. Now, many of you would say, 'I was not working at the time, it's not like if I would't be watching netflix then I would be getting that 125 rupees. Then I wouldn't be watching it, I would keep working'. Yes, you are right. It's not like you were getting 125 rupees at that time, but that is where the concept of time is money is powerful. If instead of watching netflix at that time, which is by the way not adding anything to your time value, if instead of watching Netflix at that time you would be doing a side project, or taking an online course, or reading a book which would add to your knowledge, or doing an intership that would give you some exeperience, then maybe you could have earned 125 rupees or through that experience you could increase these 125 rupees in some time. And either of these two cases is only possible because of the time.

About time friends, by combining these 3 things, time is an allocation where all are you spending your time, time is energy' what do you do to maximise your time and time is money. If you use your time in a proper way then you earn money through your time. It gives you the best tool tip to win and take charge of your time. I wish that you all also value your time as much as you should.

