3 tips to get an Internship in 2021
If you are in college or even if you are working, internships are the best for you to experience something new. If you are in college and you are confused which we all were when we were in college. Which field to choose? what work to do? Which job? Which industry? which company? Then the best way to figure that out is through an internship. Ever if Now, to get an internship is not that easy, because many internships are never advertised they don't come on a job portal, even if they do then please do apply but then you know that just like you are applying, similarly thousands more will apply, competition would be intense and based on a fundamental problem in India, still you may not pass. And that means to get internships, a different method, a different strategy should be applied. In this post, I will share with 3 such ways which I have myself used and more importantly, even today when I make a team of interns, I use these 3 ways to get my best interns. So, this is something that I have used in my life, this is something that I see working and I am certain it will work for you as well.
My favourite way, many people say that it is very tough but I can assure you it definitely works, don't underestimante it. Cold e-mailing, email or message a person whom you don't know. Have you heard of cold-calling? Like we do or anything like it through a cold call, so its engraved in our minds that cold-calling or cold-emailing is the most wrong way of asking for anybody's help or selling something to someone. But that's not true, problem doesn't lie in cold- emailing, problem is with bad emails. Badly written emails will never get a response but if you work on it, with research, homework and personalise it then the trajectory or outcome can completely change. Let me give you an example of a good cold email. A good cold email starts with a good subject line. If you are looking for internship, then what would be a good and basic subject line? 'Looking for an internship' but guess what? Each person looking for internship would be using the exact same subject line. Then it doesn't make you stand apart. You will have to think of something different so that it will make you outshine. Your subject line should be distinct among all the unread emails. The best subject lines that I usually used are the ones where some problem or fear is addressed. For example, many Facebook and google ads come up for any course, so if someone wants to do an internship in digital marketing with us, so the best emails that I get are the ones where they write, 'Roy, you seem to be losing a lot of revenue because of your current campaingn' ,It's quite long but it's good or, 'Roy, here are 4 problems with your landing page', great email or, ' Roy, I checked out your ad and found 3 problem', very good. Whenever we address someone's fear or problem so we naturally feel like responding to it. So, subject line is very important and your cold email starts with that.
Whoever you are writing to, if you are of same age, or same industry or in the tech industry, then it's completely OK for you to say, 'Hey Roy', ' Dear Roy', Hi Roy', and that's fine. If you want to show respect or you want to be respectful then, ' Hey Mr. Roy', 'Dear Mr.Roy', whatever the case maybe. Worst ones, 'Dear Sir/Ma'am', who are you mass emailing to? And because you are lazy and you want to write one email and send it to a hundred people, you will not even identify the gender of a person? Doesn't work.
The content of the email. Now it's obvious that the content of the email is the most important and the most essential thing you have to focus in that, is what do you want to learn and what do you want to do. Please don't keep it open ended and worst would be to put the ball in their court. Don't ask that, 'I am looking for an internship, do you have an opportunity?', because then you have suddenly transferred the responsibility to that person, now will be working to get you an internship. I will not do that and don't expect that. What you have to say is that, 'I researched about your company and I know that you are doing A,B,C,D I think that among them I can do these 3 things very will because I have experience, intention, capability, motivation, energy, whatever the reasons they are and I would love to have an opportunity come my way where we can discuss how I can fit in to this internship I am available from this to this time, for this much period, I am not looking for money if that is what is true, I am only and only looking for experience so that I get to contribute and learn along the way. when you write a professional email like this, it doesn't matter if it is cold or not. Many people say, 'We don't know the email address', and founder. If you don't know the founder's email, simple hack is to take the company's domain name and put use permutation-combination in front of that for email address. First name dot last name.
NUMBER 1,So, first tip to get an internship, cold emails. This will not get you an answer to all your emails but it will increase your response rate. If earlier your response rate was 2%, now it will be 10%, which still means that do create 10 opportunities, you will have to send 100 emails and you have to do that work.
NUMBER 2, Founders are mostly available online. On Twitter and Linkedin and that means they are creating content, engage with that content. If you have just started college or just started working and you are looking at a long-term period, this is the best strategy possible because it doesn't give instant results. It's not like sending cold emails and you will get a response instantly and maybe you will land up an internship. This is a long-drawn process but it is a good process. Till today, my best interns were the ones who engaged with my content. whenever
Final, possibly the most important and the most powerful. The work that you want to do in the internship, do that work already and share it with them. It works like magic.
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