If you want do a start-up or start your own business then the most important thing that you need to decide is your idea. Because, you'll be working on it for so many years. Idea is good or not, right or not, in a right market or not, establishing this is very important. In simple steps, in less than 5000 rupees and in two weeks, can test your idea. you'll get to know if there's any potential through this process. If there is then how much is there, and why there is. Let's start.



All those ideas, that you want to test make their list this idea can be anything,  you want to start a playschool, or you want to open bags or calendar shop, or you want to make your own bags, or you want to make an app, or you want to open up an e-commerce store. Or you want to open a logistics company, or you want to open a B2B company.  It can be any idea. Make a list of all those ideas. And then, one by one, you'll work on the idea. All these ideas, can tested all at once. That's the beauty of it, infact I’ll encourage you, to test all these ideas at once. That will give you the best results. You’ll be able to compare all these ideas. This will help you understand, which ideas has more potential and why?

Step 1: After you make the list of these ideas, is to give all these ideas a name.


cloud kitchen

You’ll name every single idea, a business name. It is not important that it needs to be the same name as you use it in the end. But, giving a name is important. Why? Because when you name something, a natural affiliation and association is formed. Which is very important. And I think this is the step, which is extremely critical for you to test out the idea. A bag or calendar manufacturing shop because you’re a designer. Give it a name. Whichever beautiful name, that you think represents your brand, it represents your art. Someone wants to make an app. Give it a name. Even if you want to open up a school, give it a name. Then, of that name buy domain name.


domain name

Whenever we go on Google, or browser www.example.com that’s called domain name. So, buy a domain name. This will be your online presence for your idea. This will be such a destination where people will come to test your idea. It is possible that your idea can be on Instagram. Your idea can be on Facebook. Your idea can be somewhere else too. That’s perfectly fine. But, you also need a website for this process. To book a website or to book a domain name, a very good option is GoDaddy.com you can go and test there. It is not necessary if you’ll get the domain of the name that you thought of It is also not necessary that you use the same domain in future if you start the start-up When you buy a domain name and specially when you buy it from GoDaddy, You’ll get an opportunity to make a landing page.



Landing page is basically a website. But it is a one page website. That website doesn’t have any links, a long page like wikipedia a lot of things are written on it. So, you’ll make that landing page. That option needs to be there to make it. And that most likely comes, either for free or for a very little amount. With the domain name purchase itself. You will, of your brand, of your business, of your startup make a logo.



Logo is also important. Now, you’ll say why is logo necessary. Maybe I won’t even work on this idea. Even if I work on it, I don’t know when, where and how. But, again. It is very important for you to form that emotional connect. For your customers, which are not there, by the way. We’re just imagining, for your own self Because you’ve thought of the name, you’ve thought of the idea, you’ve booked a domain a name, make a logo. Give it a visual identity. When you give it a visual identity through the logo, Then you’ll genuinely feel more attached to it. A good destination for logo? There are many online free logo makers. If you want to make a professional logo, Which I honestly think isn’t necessary, but still, if you want to make it. A good destination which I use is, Fiver you can go there. Here you can spend $5 to 15$ . you can make a logo. You can make it for free as well. It doesn’t matter. The logo is for your visual identity. If you’re not happy with the logo you can pay on fiverr. If you don’t wanna pay on Fiverr. Then go for free logo. Absolutely your choice. Name, done. Domain name, done. Flexibility to make landing page, done. Logo done, Now, the important thing. Perhaps, the most important thing. That is , defining what your idea is.



What does your idea do? And it is divided into two parts, part one is – what does your idea do? Part two is, What does your idea solve? These two are very different things, I’ll give you an example Let’s say you want to start a paly school. What does a playschool do ? To small kids, like a pre-school, gives an atmosphere of school. It teaches kids the basic education. But what is the problem that it is trying to solve? Why is it even necessary? Why will it be used? That could be different reasons. It’s possible that, wherever you want to make a playschool there are lot of working parents. So, the problem it is solving is, when working parents from nuclear families go to work- there was no place where they could keep their kids. So, the play school acted like that. It could be some other things, where kids don’t get to socialize, maybe there’s no park nearby, Going to school is a medium to meet other kids, or whatever the reason may be. But it’s very important for you to identify that. Your product, your start up, your business does what? And what problem does it solve. These two are two different things. What does your idea do and what does your idea solve And equally important things. For example, you want to make an app. An app which can click good pictures at night. There are so many new phones, which has a good night photography. But, this app takes it to next level. So, what does this app do? It clicks photographs even in night time. But, what problem does it solve? It solve the problems of , there’s no light at night photographs are blur, it’s not in a good quality. Mostly parties, are usually at night, in India. This is why this app is important because it solves the problem of night photography. Which is the  biggest reason, no not the biggest reason but biggest occasion for get togethers in India. That’s the problem it solves. Through this, what does it do and what problems does it solve. And then, you’ll make your landing page. You’ll imagine that your business has been launched. Your idea has been launched and to you now, tell the people about your idea. Everything that the idea can do, And solves for. What will you do? – you’ll create that landing page with the logo, with the name, and it’s features, what things it can do, how perfectly it can do it. How efficiently it can be do it. Some more imaginary things. It’s not necessary for it to be true. It is necessary that, What your product does, has to be true. But, it is not important that, - Testimonials has to be right. It is not important that – how may customers do you have. You can lie about all that. But, you cannot lie about- is what your product do. Because ultimately if you lie about that then it’s useless. Everyone will have in mind a completely different product from what you are building. So now important, you’ll make that landing page, your demo page. A page where there is everything, which your product will have. Which your product will be. When it is launched. All of this is done. Name is decided. Logo is decided. Domain name is booked. Landing page of that domain name is ready. You now know, what your product do and the problem it solves Final step, Step seven, you will now spend money, on google, facebook, instagram, to promote this landing page.  


landing page

On facebook, instagram, google, you will advertise your landing page. It’s not expensive. In one week, you spend $2 everyday 7$ per week. In two weeks, around 14$. About, maximum 20$ you will have more than 200-300 people coming to the landing page. And looking at the Ad. Looking through the idea. And getting to see what does your idea do. Now, why is this important. Because you measure 3 things. Number 1 when your ad has been seen, that ad can image, it can be a video If you want to make one So now, important thing is, how many people click on the ad. What will you get to know from it? That, how many people are interested In your idea. If this idea is in actual life, how many people will be there, out of all the people who see the ad who will be interested in your idea. That is the first metric you measure. It is called, click through ratio, CTR all those people, who click by seeing your ad. How many percentage is it, out of all the people who see that ad. CTR, that’s metric number one. Metric number two. When you click on the ad, you as a advertiser, have to pay to google, or intagram. Which is called Cost Per Click CPC Since the ad has been clicked. You have to bare the expense How much is it? What is the cost per click? Because that will tell you, that this interested audience who is interested in your idea, will generate how much interest for how much price. When this idea will be in real life, You will generate how much interest for how much price. That will be determined by the CPC. Then, when they click, they will be directed to the landing page. And that landing page, speaks about your idea. It speaks about all that you can do, all the feautures that you’ve made. All those qualities that your product has, your service has. All those things which you genuinely want to sell to your customers and everything that has been written. You don’t have any product. You don’t have any service to sell. You don’t have anything there’s only an idea in your head. So, what are you even selling? You’re selling only one thing, that is , interest. That is, if you’re interested in this product, So, please submit your email address. When this product will be launched, I’ll let you know about it. You will take people’s email addresses. You will take people’s phone number from them. Through, you will tell them, when the product will be launched. When this playschool is launched, then I’ll tell you about this play school. When this app is launched, I’ll tell you about it. Whatever is it, that you’re trying to build, that you’re trying to sell You will let them know, should they give you their email address The third metric that you measure is, how many people fill this form with their email address. What will be the final expense of that. Because that is the measurement of potential customer. At CPC level, you measured potential interest at email, you’re measuring potential customer. When you all these seven steps. Decide your name, book your domain name, create your own logo, create your landing page, What this idea will do, what problem will it solve, you create the landing page with email, and finally, on step seven, you promote it. On google, facebook, instagram. To market this idea. You’ll test all your ideas, within two weeks. In less than $100 you get the metrics. How many people clicked your ad. How many people clicked it, came on landing page and submitted their email addresses. That gives you a comparison of these ideas. What idea performed how well and why did it perform. That is the first step that you take. To determine if the idea is strong enough or not. Because, how much ever the ideas are there in your head, take them through this process, It will be very clear, which idea is better and which and idea is not good. Which idea generated more interest. Which idea failed. Which idea generated interest in cheaper way, and which idea generated interest in expensive way. In which idea, there were no email received, which idea, there were flood of emails. So on and so forth. You’ll get to know, this idea is stronger than all other ideas. That is a great way. A cheap way, a fast way. For you to figure, which of your start up ideas should you pursue, if there’s any question about start ups, about entrepreneurship, about business then comment down below. Thankyou      
