How to choose a career?


How to choose a career?

How to decide what we want to do in life professionally? Because the truth is that if we''ll listen to our parents, then options will be quite limite - be that lawyer or that doctor or that engineer or that CA. If we listen to the world then there are Such a multitude of options that we got overwhelmed and confused. You can become a youtuber, can also become a DJ, you can also become an artist, you can also become a filmmaker, so on and so forth. And if we listen to ourselves then we don't know what we need, we don't know ourselves So there should be a framework because of which we could decide. What career we should pick. And I will not claim that I have used this framework because all the career options that I have taken in my life, initially all of them came through luck. I was very clear What I wanted to do in life. I wanted to become a scientist. I wanted to do a PhD. I went to the US for that thing. I was not happy about that. So when I left it all and came back, I was as much confused, maybe, and at that time all my friends told me that you are confused then you do what all confused people do: you do an MBA. a great decision for me. However, was if by design or some framework or some approach- no, I was very fortunate that the decision of MBA proved to be fruitful and after that life moved forward. However, now as I look back on my 20's, I ask myself which kind of framework I can use, because of which I could tell you all that when you are on the verge of choosing your career, then by using that framework you will probably be able to take a right decision- then here's how the framework would look like. Firstly make a list of all the things in which you are good at - each one of us is good at some or the other thing . We can be good at writing, we can be good at talking to friends, we can be good at planning, we can be good at singing, be good in studies there is  a lot of stuff in which we are good at, make a list of all of them. Then, ask yourself that of the list of all things that we are good at, how much we enjoy doing because it isn't important that what you're good at also makes you enjoy it. Maybe you're good at planning however it makes you tired, and you don't like that you are the only one choosing where to go, what to see, which people to meet, which party to go to, so on and so forth. So you feel that is an energy drain and you don't want to do it. However, you're good at it so people are always telling you to do it. So when the two things - what you are good at and what you enjoy doing, when there will be an intersection of these two, something that you are good at and that makes you happy, can this passion be converted into something that people need? Can your passion be converted into something that paeople need? For example, you are very good in studies and you get pleasure in studying, then it is not necessary that it is also applicable for history and for physics and also for chemistry. So which specific part of studies you like - What subjects or books or so on. you genuinely read books with a lot of interest and you are good at reading books.  you read them really fast, you read them in depth, when you read books then you can genuinely extract a lot out of them, and then ask yourself, "How can I convert this passion into something that the people of the world are in need of?" Because the world does not need people who read, however, is there anything else that is needed? For instance, there is a great need for people to get books reviewed, those people who review a book and write about it - what to read about the book, to read it or not. Just like a film critic who reviews films, similarly, there are book reviewers. People have a need for curators, that if I want to know something about Physics,  What all book are there? If I want to know something about career, then what books are there? Which books are there if I want to learn music? If I want to read very good fiction, mystery fiction, then what all books are there- So curation of all the books all over the world making all of them into a short list The world needs that. So because of that you will get a direction where you will realize, What you are good at and what makes you happy and something that the world needs. When you arrive at an intersection of these three things, you get the first hope or a vision about what you career could be because if you make a decision and figure out something that you are happy to do that the world likes, then your final step is to figure out how are these things done in the real world. How do the best in the world do this? Of all the topmost book reviewers of the world, What all did they do in their lives and their careers- maybe in India or abroad. The top musicians or entertainers - what did they do in their lives and how did they do it. Always remember, that when I'm talking about a career, then I'm not talking about it only financially It may be possible and that I will even recommend for you to have two parallel lives. you are doing the job, which is what you are doing justy by looking at your money, paying your bills, whatever your expenses are in your life, you are fulfilling it.  But there is a parallel life where you are pursuing you passion and trying to make it your career. Because it may be possible that the first day of book reviewing may not make you money, but you will have to pursue a job because that will be a necessity. However, that job won't be there to fulfill your desires, rather to fulfil your survival You won't tell yourself that this job will get you that bungalow that car, that mobile phone, those expensive things- You will just say to yourself that whatever money you need for you survival, you will get that. However, along with this job if I was able to convert this passion into something that the world needs, then I will start making money from it ultimately,It could be anything. In today's world, everything is possible. Even if you are the most basic gamer you like to paly games, you can make it your career, you have numerous examples of people doing it however that won't happen on Day 1. However if you put the pressure of monetisation on your passion from Day 1 then unforrunately that would never turn into your career That passion would remain as a pastime hobby and a part time indulgence; you have to convert that to make a career out of it. And that will be my guidance. If you can convert your thing that you are good at, which you are happy to do, If you can convert that thing for what the world needs, it can become your career. But to reach it even now, you will probably need a job. Not probably, rather certainly you will need a job. Do not dismiss that job, respect that job, however, don't make it the reason for your existence. Definitely do not use it for your desire, just use it for your survival, and then whatever time you may dig out, then it will shape your career
